
SHS spotlights evolving seafarer and shipping industry needs

SHS spotlights evolving seafarer and shipping industry needs

The Seafarer Hospital Society’s maritime KPI toolkit will be unveiled at its upcoming conference focused on changing regulations, training and upskilling, recruitment and retention, DEI and ESG, and health and welfare for maritime workers. London, 24 January 2024: Seafarers Hospital Society (SHS) is addressing maritime’s goals of embedding greater resilience, collaboration and sustainability across the … Continued

SHS spotlights evolving seafarer and shipping industry needs

The Seafarer Hospital Society’s maritime KPI toolkit will be unveiled at its upcomingconference focused on changing regulations, training and upskilling, recruitment andretention, DEI and ESG, and health and welfare for maritime workers. London, 24 January 2024: Seafarers Hospital Society (SHS) is addressing maritime’s goalsof embedding greater resilience, collaboration and sustainability across the supply chain by … Continued

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