Please note our new address is:
4th Floor, Silverstream House, 45 Fitzroy Street, Fitzrovia, London, W1T 6EB

We can support you in a number of ways:

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Fast-track physiotherapy

Working at sea is one of the most challenging jobs in the UK and the number of work-related injuries is high.

Time spent offshore means it can be difficult getting treatment so the Seafarers Hospital Society is backing free, fast-track physiotherapy treatment for working seafarers.

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Mental health and wellbeing

Working at sea can be challenging to your mental health too. We offer a free, confidential service to seafarers who need help with mental health and wellbeing issues run by Togetherall. It includes access to trained counsellors, a support network, self-help materials and one-to-one therapy. The service is entirely confidential and delivered online.

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Grants to seafarers

Life can be unpredictable, no matter how carefully you plan. Sudden illness, unexpected changes in circumstances, the loss of someone you love can cause financial and emotional distress. Thatā€™s where we come in. We can help you with unpaid bills and grants for essential household goods, disability aids and equipment, and other unexpected expenses.

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Respite care

Respite care supports caregivers by giving them the opportunity for a temporary break from their caregiving duties. We can fund short-term breaks for caregivers which will not only alleviate stress, but also restore energy and balance to their lives.

If you or someone in your family needs respite care, the Seafarers Hospital Society may be able to help.

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SeaFit programme

SeaFit is a long-term programme targeting the fishing community. Designed to improve the physical, mental health and wellbeing of fishers throughout the UK, delivered in partnership with the Fishermanā€™s Mission. It links with NHS and Public Health services to facilitate access to local health promotion and prevention initiatives and, where services are limited, works with the local teams to support outreach into the fishing communities.

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Advice service SAIL

The Seafarersā€™ Advice and Information Line (SAIL) is a national telephone advice service exclusively for seafarers. SAIL provide free, confidential and impartial advice and information to seafarers on a wide range of issues ā€“ welfare benefits, housing, employment and more.

Click here to access SAIL

Dreadnought Medical Service

Based at St Thomasā€™ Hospital in London and supported by SHS, the Dreadnought offers priority NHS treatment for working seafarers. Due to theĀ nature of their work, seafarers are unable to make routine appointments and are not permitted to workĀ if they have certain medical conditions, in case of an emergency whilst at sea.

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Not sure where to start?

Get in touch with us and we can assess your requirements and get you the help you need.

020 8858 3696
[email protected]

Please note as from 1 June 2024 our new address will be:
4th Floor, Silverstream House, 45 Fitzroy Street, Fitzrovia, London, W1T 6EB

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Patron: His Majesty King Charles III

On the anniversary of Their Majestiesā€™ Coronation, His Majesty The King has confirmed he would be delighted to accept the Patronage of the Seafarers Hospital Society.

The Seafarers Hospital Society has always been honoured by its association with the Royal Family since its foundation in 1821, and looks forward to a long and happy association with His Majesty The King.

2024: Our work in numbers


Charitable activities


Number of grants awarded


Physiotherapy services


Total value of grants given out in 2024 to 201 individuals

2024: Grants to Institutions


Awarded to institutions


Clients supported by SAIL


Issues dealt with relating to debt, benefits, Universal Credit, housing and employment


Financial successes for seafarers

Read more about our work in our Annual Report

Case studies

ā€œWe applied for a grantĀ  for a cooker and got a response immediately, saving us having to worry about buying one on credit, or going a few months without proper home cookingā€.

I was in need of a recliner sofa which I could not afford to buy without taking some credit out. It was a godsend to me due to the discomfort at having to sit for long periods at home as an osteoporosis sufferer for 40 years.

The grant has taken a lot of pressure out of my mind and given me a chance to buy furniture that I have needed for years. The best part is how quickly SHS responded.

ā€œI heard about SHS through another charity, and The grant I received has made a real difference to me.ā€

ā€œI didnā€™t have a bed, and just before Christmas my cooker broke. The grant has made so much difference and my living conditions have improved 100%. Youā€™ve been fantastic! Thank you!ā€

Andy served as a steward for 25 years. Andy was rehomed to an unfurnished flat. After reaching out for assistance, Andy was helped by caseworkers from theĀ SSAFA, who assessed his needs, and eligibility for various grants to help him set up his new home.

ā€œI am extremely grateful to the charities involved for helping to provide me with a lovely comfortable home where I am very happy"

Thanks to funding from SHS and theĀ @shipwreckedmariners, Peter was able to purchase an electric powered vehicle to increase his mobility and restore his sense of independence!

ā€œThe grant helped me greatly! I was able to get a mobility scooter which has made a great difference in my life, especially when I am on my own and need to get out to go to the doctors for exampleā€

Ursula is a former merchant navy seafarer with 16 years of service. Unfortunately, Ursula, who is now widowed, suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and faces significant mobility issues at home.

Due to her condition, she is particularly sensitive to the cold. Working together withĀ The Shipwrecked Mariners Society, we helped pay for the purchase and fitting of a new combination boiler.

Jeff Barney was struggling with mobility issues and had become housebound until he received a grant for an EPV from SHS. He was very anxious the first time he left his home to meet with other retired fishermen at a weekly get together. He managed to leave his home with lots of support and encouragement. He now joins the group most weeks. The EPV has given him a new lease on life.

Frances Puddifer of Liverpool was a stewardess on Irish Car Ferries. Now retired, Frances was finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the stairs in her home. With a grant from three maritime charities, including one of Ā£425 from the Society, sheā€™s been able to install a stairlift.

Frances Puddifer says ā€œIt was the best Christmas present ever!ā€

Bob Mackie of Grimsby worked for 45 years a fisherman in spite of a number of accidents and the early loss of one leg. When he retired the Society gave him a grant of Ā£1,500 towards the cost of a scooter.

Bob Mackie says ā€œMy new scooter is fantastic. I couldnā€™t have afforded it without the grant. Thanks to the Society I now have my independence back.ā€

Paul Hagan of Leicester served for 10 years with the merchant navy. After leaving, he lost his leg in an accident. A fitness fan, he became a wheelchair athlete but had to give this up too because of nerve damage.

His service at sea meant that he was able to get a Ā£400 grant from the Seafarers Hospital Society, which he put with grants from other sources to buy a hand cycle.

Brian Broome was at sea all his working life from the age of 14, first as a merchant seaman, then as a fisherman. In 1960 he changed to mooring vessels, where he spent over 40 years mooring tankers and other large ships. He was at sea for a total of 51 years.

When he retired in 2012 he was in good health and active, but in 2016 he developed type 2 diabetes.

Stephen Astley is a line fisherman from Newlyn, locally nicknamed "Cod", who was admitted to hospital with progressive sepsis and organ failure. Luckily for Cod, his life was saved but he needed extensive surgery ā€“ both legs were amputated at the knee and he lost several fingers.

Thanks to the Society and our partners, Cod could return to fishing safely.


Fishing is physically demanding, this means fishermen are at risk of repetitive injuries so SHS provides easy access to fast-track physio to keep them fit to work at sea.

SHS making a difference by bridging health inequalities in coastal communities by providing much needed free dental check-ups for fishermen and their families through the Seafit programme.

Looking after fishermen and their families through Seafit health events at the quayside has a positive impact on fishermen. This preventative approach empowers fishermen to be proactive in caring for their health.

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