
Respite Care

Residential respite care at Springbok and Mariners’ Park

The Seafarers Hospital Society has special arrangements with Care Ashore’s Springbok Estate in Surrey and at Nautilus’ Mariners’ Park, Wallasey in Cheshire, where respite care beds and holiday breaks are available. Depending on your circumstances, we may be able to help you with a grant towards the cost of a stay. To find out more about Springbok seeĀ http://www.careashore.org

One-off grants for respite care elsewhere

We also provide one-off grants for respite care elsewhere.Ā click hereĀ for more information about our grants and how to apply, or just call us onĀ 020 8858 3696

Also in this section

Seafarers Advice & Information Line

The Seafarersā€™ Advice & Information Line (SAIL) is an advice and information service provided exclusively for seafarers and their dependants.

SAIL offers free, confidential and impartial advice and information to working and former UK-based seafarers and their dependants. This now includes Royal Navy and Royal Marines personnel. SAIL is run by Greenwich Citizensā€™ Advice Bureau on behalf of the Seafarers Hospital Society and has been helping seafarers since 1996.

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Dreadnought Medical Service

The Dreadnought Medical service is based at St Thomasā€™ Hospital in London. The Dreadnought Medical service offers NHS treatment for working seafarers who due to the nature of their work are unable to make routine appointments, and are not permitted to work if they have certain medical conditions, in case of an emergency whilst at sea.

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Grants to seafarers

Life can be unpredictable, no matter how carefully you plan. Sudden illness, unexpected changes in circumstances, the loss of someone you love - can cause financial and emotional distress. That's where we come in. We can help with unpaid bills and grants for essential household goods, disability aids and equipment, and other expenses.

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