

We also support the Seafarers’ Advice & Information Line (SAIL) and the Dreadnought Medical Service, and a range of other health and welfare related initiatives targeting seafarers and their dependants.

Sadly, the need for our help hasn’t gone away and the demands on our funds continue to increase. We want to be able to go on helping as many seafarers as we can ‐ just as we have done for the past 200 years.

If you would like to help us continue our work by making a donation, or are considering making a bequest, we would be delighted to hear from you.

To make a donation

For more information about how to donate, call us on 020 8858 3696 or email [email protected]

Or simply send your donation to Seafarers Hospital Society, 4th Floor, Silverstream House, 45 Fitzroy Street, Fitzrovia, London, W1T 6EB. (Please make cheques payable to Seafarers Hospital Society.)

For regular donations

If you wish to make a regular donation we would encourage you to consider setting up a standing order. It’s easy for you and it’s easy for us ‐ click here for a Standing Order Mandate and return to Seafarers Hospital Society, 4th Floor, Silverstream House, 45 Fitzroy Street, Fitzrovia, London, W1T 6EB.

Make more of your donation with GIFT AID

If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim an extra 25p in every pound that you donate under the government run Gift Aid scheme. That makes a £10 donation worth £12.50 to us.

All you have to do is complete a Gift Aid Declaration form and return it to us with your ‘gift’.

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